Pumpkin Picking with Our New Addition

For the last 3 years, we have taken our eldest child to Cattow’s Farm for our annual pumpkin picking day and every year they have made it bigger and better. This year, they have really outdone themselves. Superb family day out. It was busy, jam-packed with humans yet it did not feel too hectic. Thank goodness they had a bigger carpark and lots of activities to keep the children very excited and happy like bouncy castles, face painting, pedal powered tractors and more.

Flashback time, oh I love looking back at old pictures and blog posts. Time really does fly by and I feel like I am starting to forget so many precious memories (already!) especially since we were blessed with another child. People will ask, so when did your eldest crawl or walk and I have to really crack my head to recall. Blimey and this is with 2 children. Documenting our memories is definitely worthwhile, so come on Iris. Write more 😉

2016 – Peek at our delightful 2 year old’s first experience at the pumpkin patch HERE.

Cattows Farm

2017 – 3 year old bubba and soon to be big sister! Aaaah, bump pics.



… and today, October 2018 as a family of 4. Surreal to be honest. Do you know what was really handy? Our baby wrap was a fantastic move as we didn’t really want to deal with a super muddy stroller. The wrap we have is from Joy and Joe and its brilliant for less than £20. Initially, the soon to be 4 year old was wary and not too keen to be honest about all the ‘mud’ on the pumpkins. She soon warmed up as she sprinted up and down the farm trying to pick the best ones for her to bring home. Little ones for her collection and a huge one to carve with her daddy. A real adventure for her and also a great lesson that our food does not only come from the shops but they actually grow in soil on a farm.


Till next year, Cattows Farm. We had an ace time creating precious childhood memories with our children.

Pumpkin picking experience

Yes yes, its yet another pumpkin patch blog post on the internet but it is special for us as its our first experience with the little one in tow. It might have been easier ( *clears throat* photo opportunity ) last year as she was not yet a walking talking toddler .. I could have plopped her anywhere and it would have been picture perfect (jokes). Its nice to set little traditions for the family though and we will have to make a conscious effort to go again.

We went to Cattows Farm, a beautiful piece of Leicestershire countryside but their pumpkin patch was empty. They had a huge demand of Pick Your Own this year but no worries as they had a special plan in place for the kiddies. They just placed pre harvested pumpkins on their land 🙂 Well, who cares! We were there and we were going to make the best of it.

She was thrilled when she saw so many pumpkins but one would assume pumpkins would be the main attraction at a pumpkin farm? It was ALL about the dandelions and the daisies for her. She kept saying ‘Look Mummy ‘ ‘Look Daddy!’ ‘I am picking lots and lots’. It was adorable, bless.

Pumpkin Patch

Cattows Farm

Pumpkin Picking


Pumpkin Picking at Cattows Farm


Dandelion Love

Daddy Daughter Time


What a lovely experience for us to enjoy as a family, we must remember to go earlier in the month next year. Perhaps there will be actual pumpkins to harvest 🙂 Cattows Farm is a wonderful family friendly place, we had a good wander around the farm shop and made some purchases. Little one was pretty chuffed with her big and ‘little’ pumpkin. Oh yes, I have to mention the cakes in their tea room. Looks super delicious but unfortunately we already had food plans, therefore did not indulge this time around.

Cattows Farm Leicestershire

Cattows Farm Shop

They also had a little children play area which must be fab for the summer!

Cattows Farm

… no prize for guessing my height 😉

Cattows Farm

Last not but not least, a picture with their resident sheep and goat. Sure hit with bubba, she loved saying hello.

Cattows Farm
